This Summer Don’t Let Birds Die
In the summer of 2019 around 18000 birds die due to shortage of food and water in India. These birds used to migrate to India during the frost months in places like Siberia But this time when they migrate they couldn’t return back because of death or paralysis called avian botulism which is due to a neurotoxin in water formed due to warm weather.
These are only few stats about birds which die to shortage of weather or due toxins present in water. Why we let these birds die? AS everyone likes to see birds so why not we do something to save them? It is not only responsibility of ornithologist (branch of zoology concerned for birds) or other people related to government to keep them safe. We individuals can also contribute just some little things and time everyday so that these birds don’t die due to water scarcity.
You can help these little ones by just keeping a glass of water outside in balcony or anyplace where these birds can easily drink this water. A broken cup or mug is all you need this way you not help these birds but also contribute in keeping nature clean by doing repurpose of that cup or mug.
Please help these little ones out or you couldn’t be able to see them in parks or roaming around freely in sky after few years. If you don’t help these today so they will only be left to see in books to the future generation.
Photo Credit:
Author: Nitansh Jain
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
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