
Showing posts from 2020

Impact Of Deforestation On Animal Life

Deforestation is typically referring to the cutting of trees in a specific area, which is also called ‘logging’, and not replanting them. Eighty per cent of Earth’s land animal and plant population are found in forests. What does this mean for these animals and plants and why is it such a big controversy around the world? A certain process, called ‘Photosynthesis’ is when the leaves of a tree absorb carbon dioxide and water. The energy released from the Sun is then used to convert them into chemical compounds, like sugars that feed the trees. Another result is also oxygen being released from the tree. Oxygen is then a necessity in a process called respiration. In respiration, the oxygen is absorbed and, along with the sugar that is fed to the trees, human’s and animal’s can get energy which allows them to be active. A small sub-section of respiration is cellular respiration. It breaks down the sugar and provides energy by anything eaten by an animal. So what is so bad about deforestati...

Beauty Of Water Bodies

Water is the most precious resource and abundant to our mother Earth. Water is very much useful in every aspect of our lives, including household consumption, flower and vegetable gardens, restaurants, hospitals, laundries, dry cleaners, golf courses, hotels, car washes, beauty shops, barbershops, gas stations, health clubs as well as many other business activities, hydroelectric plants, industries, recreations, and so on. Water is considered a purifier in most religious faiths. Major faiths such as Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, Shinto, Taoism, and Wicca believe in ritual washing (ablution) with water. We are blessed with a land of beautiful mountains, hills, flora, and fauna. One cannot imagine them without a lake in front of a river flowing down from a height when it comes to the hills. Most of us, as children, when asked to draw scenery, would have first drawn mountains with a lake flowing either between the peaks or below it. The human mind and soul have a very c...


  These days we are equipped with gadgets, and playing football in the park has turned out into playing football on the smartphones, reading books has turned out into reading books online. There are many advantages of gadgets for children such as calculators, Google searches on the web and many more, whereas there are certain disadvantages of gadgets too.   A child uses smartphones and gadgets in his day to day life, which even affects a child’s brain. Screens affect a child’s brain as when a child is using screens the brain acts dumb.   ·       A child should be allowed to use screens at a specific chosen time. ·       A child should be made to spend quality time with family, thus keeping him away from screens. ·       A child should not be allowed to use phones / gadgets at night after dinner. ·       A child should not use gadgets more than 2 hours a day. ·   ...


We all need to be fit in our daily lives. Though we all know that with every passing day, the race to be fit and healthy becomes tough, so the easiest way to be fit and healthy is by using the treadmill and other fitness equipment. But there are other ways to be fit and healthy apart from using health equipment. Firstly, avoid eating fast food (eat healthy food). Secondly, exercise regularly. Some important tips: 1.    Regular health check-up: With your busy schedule, you don’t give enough attention to your health and it goes down on your priority list. Schedule a regular visit to a doctor in order to know your current health status. This is very important. 2.    Drink water: Drinking water when you first wake up is a great way to start up with your metabolism. You can carry a bottle to work, school etc and keep sipping. It is highly recommended to keep the body hydrated. 3. Cut off unhealthy habits: Reduce or stay away from alcohol, sweets and junk food. T...

Happy Mother's Day

On this mother day let’s talk about mother of this whole Uttar Pradesh or mother of everyone in India or mother of everyone living on this planet. Non other than our mother Earth. Now you must be thinking why Earth is our mother. Most of the people know why I am referring it but for other people it is because we are children for Earth and she always take care of us. She never do comparison between people and love everyone equally. You only tell if water stops coming or we don’t all trees get vanished or the atmosphere disappears so can we still stay alive. The answer is a big NO yes we cannot live without all these things because they are our basic necessities. In the same way our mother Earth also same us from many disaster or we can say big problems just the same way a mother do for her child.   Now you must be thinking if Earth is our mother then why we face many natural disasters or shortage of resources. The answer is every simple you remember when you do some mistake or wrong...

Water Pollution

A few days ago, I went on a road trip with my cousins. We went to a lake over there. I was shocked when I saw it, the water consisting slops and slurry in it. And at that moment, I saw a fish in it. The fish was dead. Do you know why? Because of the waste people had thrown in there. Waste that came from the houses in the nearby locality. The people throw the waste present in the utensils into the waste holes of their kitchen wash basin when they should have thrown it in the dustbin. It’s not that only one person does it. Everyone does it. Even the people who go on a trip to beaches or places near other water bodies throw their eatables or their plastic bags in which they carry their food in the water bodies. They really do not realize that there are so many other lives in the water bodies. As one, we can say that they just make the home of many animals dirty, which as a result kill the water animals and the plants in the water could not grow properly. How would you feel i...

This Summer Don’t Let Birds Die

In the summer of 2019 around 18000 birds die due to shortage of food and water in India. These birds used to migrate to India during the frost months in places like Siberia But this time when they migrate they couldn’t return back because of death or paralysis called avian botulism which is due to a neurotoxin in water formed due to warm weather. These are only few stats about birds which die to shortage of weather or due toxins present in water. Why we let these birds die? AS everyone likes to see birds so why not we do something to save them? It is not only responsibility of ornithologist (branch of zoology concerned for birds) or other people related to government to keep them safe. We individuals can also contribute just some little things and time everyday so that these birds don’t die due to water scarcity. You can help these little ones by just keeping a glass of water outside in balcony or anyplace where these birds can easily drink this water. A broken cup or mug...

le réchauffement climatique

Bonjour je m'appelle mishika nigam je vis Delhi Le réchauffement climatique est un phénomène dangereux qui est connu dans le monde entier. Elle est également due aux activités humaines et aux processus naturels de routine. Le réchauffement climatique est à l'origine du changement climatique dans le monde. Le réchauffement climatique est dû aux gaz à effet de serre. Le réchauffement climatique entraîne une augmentation de la température normale de la terre. Il perturbe le climat en augmentant les précipitations dans certaines régions et en les diminuant dans d'autres.  La température de la terre augmente de jour en jour. En raison de la pollution, de la déforestation, etc., le taux de température augmente et, par conséquent, les glaciers ont commencé à fondre. Pour arrêter le réchauffement climatique, nous devons commencer à planter des arbres et également motiver les autres à faire de même. Nous pouvons également sensibiliser les gens aux effets du réchauffement c...


Fur farming is the practice of breeding or raising certain animals for their fur. At least 50 million animals die each year as victims of the international fur trade. This causes acute suffering & pain to animals while trimming their fur or taking their skin later leading to their death. Most of the hunters skin animals alive for their fur. Fur farms not only harm the animals, but also harms the environment and pollutes nearby rivers and streams. Many countries like China and U.S.A do not have penalties for people who abuse animals in the fur farms. Million of Animals like Beavers , Chinchillas , Dogs , Cats , Foxes , Minks , Rabbits , Raccoons , Seals , Bears and Bobcats die each year , why? , just for their skin and high selling fur . After an animal gets slaughtered , his or her skin or fur is treated with toxic chemicals to keep it away from rotting and decomposing in buyer’s closet . The hazardous process of fur dressing is so problematic that the fur industries are r...

आवारा कुत्ते

जब भी हम काम के लिए बहार जाते हैं हम सड़क पर बहुत सारे कुत्ते देखते हैं , पर हम उनका दर्द नहीं समझ पाते की वह बहार कैसे मौसम में रह रहें हैं ? क्या उन्हें बहुत गर्मी या सर्दी तो नहीं लग रही ? सड़क पे जो कुत्ते रहते हैं, वह आम तौर पर मनुष्य से संघर्ष से बचते हैं ! कभी कभी मनुष्य कुत्ते द्वारा काटा जाता है ! ऐसा तब होता है जब हम उनको परेशान  करें या दो कुत्ते आपस में लड़ाई कर रहे हों ! भारत में दुनिया भर के कुत्तो की संख्या लगभग तीस मिलियन है ! जैसे जैसे कुत्तो की आबादी बढ़ रही है वैसे ही कुत्तो द्वारा काटे जाने की समस्या भी बढ़ रही है, लगभग एक साल में बीस हज़ार लोगो की मृत्यु हो रही है! लोगो का कहना है की सड़क की कुत्तो से दूर रहो पर अगर सब उनसे दूर हो जायेंगे तो उन्हें खाना पानी कौन देगा ? उन्हें भी जीने की लिए मनुष्य की तरह खाना और पानी चाहिए ! कचरा और जानवरों की जन्म नियंत्रण की कमी से आवारा कुत्तो की संख्या बढ़ रही है! जब कुत्ते को चोट लगी हो, बीमार हो या छोड़ा गया हो तब ऐसे हालत में वह डरा हुआ होता है। ऐसी परिस्थितितयों में कुत्ते किसी पे विश्वास नहीं कर पाते हैं और अक्सर इंसान...


Climate change occurs when changes in Earth’s system results in new weather patterns that remains in place for an extended period of time. This length of time can be as short as a few decades as long as millions of years. Due to the industrial revolution, the climate has been increasingly affected by human activities (since humans have invented cars, inventors, generators, engines and other pollution causing inventions, the day the first pollution causing invention was made the earth started to feel sick or the doomsday clock started ticking ) causing global warming and harming the Earth. Effects of global warming (part of the doomsday program): ·         There has been a mass increase in greenhouse gas ·         The earth is getting warmer, causing the ice c aps, glaciers, permanent snow to melt and the rise of ocean levels slowly submerging land. Recently there was a news saying that scientist ha...


Climate Change occurs when the Earth’s climate changes and makes a new weather pattern which stays for a long time. Sometimes it can be for one decade, while at others it can last for millions of years. One example of climate change is the Australian Bushfires. 27 people died in the fires with countless others losing their homes. The fires started because of our climate and Australia was already having it’s hottest and driest year ever. Children are still growing all around the world. A child wouldn’t know what Climate Change is, so if we keep doing the things we are doing now, all the children will suffer when they will be in their adulthood. They will live in a world in which there is a lot of pollution. Children might also be in a world where there is no coal (a fossil fuel). The energy we get from coal today comes from the same energy that all the plants absorbed from the sun millions of years ago. We need to do something about climate change now. Some ways you can...